22″AutoCue with Professional Operator and Laptop with Pro “NewsRoom” Autoscript software


available  >> with / without tripod
                        with / without batteries
                        with / without additional monitor hood
                        with / without wireless transmission
                        with / without streaming option to remote location

Professional broadcast AutoCue system suitable to any camera from DSLR to small handycam style cameras right to big professional cameras like 2/3″ TV broadcast or even film cameras.

Comes with hood and monitor and a Professional AutoCue Operator will work the equipment.

The “NewsRoom” prompting software is a more sophisticated AutoCue prompting software which can only be operated by a trained operator.

The Autoscript WinPlus NX Ultra Software is a prompting software that offers various configurable options such as colour, timer, closed caption and spell check to a teleprompter. It is compatible with newsroom systems such as AP Newscenter, ENPS, i-News, Dalet etc. and is widely used in television stations news rooms for live prompting.

This system can also be operated in the field and you will need about 4x V-lock batteries for the day which we can supply at $12.50 each.

The Wireless transmission option is recommended to be used in high traffic areas to eliminate having to run cables from the computer to the prompting hood.

Remote streaming to a second NZCH prompter hood should be used with a ethernet connection for a stable signal. The second prompter hood could be in a different location with another presenter working on the same script (please call for more clarification)

If you are looking for remote prompting without NZCH supplied prompter hoods then please check out this page

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